How symbols and metaphors can help you achieve your goals

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

Sometimes, our moments of clarity can seem fleeting. Goals which might have felt so concrete just a week or a month ago start fading into the background as we get caught up with day to day challenges. If you're struggling to stay on track with working towards a goal, using a symbol or metaphor can be a simple yet powerful way of keeping your goal at the forefront of your mind.

To do this, start by allowing yourself to daydream a little. What word or image comes to mind when thinking about your goal? The word or image might relate to the goal itself; or to how you want to be in order to achieve a goal; or it might describe the journey of reaching the goal. It doesn't have to be something obvious (although it often can be). It just needs to be something which embodies your goal in a way that makes sense to you.

If a number of different things come to you, jot down the words or sketch out the images. Which one resonates most strongly with you and makes you feel most energised? Choose this symbol and allow yourself to daydream a little more (or better yet, do a guided visualisation). Picture your goal in your mind and consider the ways that the symbol represents the key characteristics of your goal. How are they alike? What insights come to you when you consider their similarities and attributes?

For example, your goal might be learning a new skill. As you daydream about how you will achieve this goal, an image comes to you of a tree spreading in many directions. You realise that this embodies the many different new possibilities that learning this skill will bring you. You also realise that you don't need to feel pressure to master the skill overnight. Like the tree, the skill will grow over time as long as you tend to it.

Finally, take a moment to describe or draw your symbol if you haven't already. Place the description or drawing of your symbol in a prominent place where you will see it frequently. This tangible reminder of your goal will help to anchor it in your consciousness and enable you to connect with it on a deeper level. Over time, this symbol can help you stay the course and make your beautiful vision a reality.


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